lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

The killing of hate.

Norway attack is not the work of a madman, but it is fed by the intolerance speech.

The horror of Norway has impact in all us. We are facing a crime of hate in its most barbaric terrorist expression. This extreme right fanatical man has found the reason for his mass murder in rejecting the progressive people, the democracy that welcomes immigration and the tolerance that includes religious diversity.

This is not the work of a madman. From his hatred and fanatic feelings he can act as a pshychpath, but he has executed his killing in a very calculated way. He has been fed by an intolerance speech that acts against diversity. This speech is also expressed by the new extreme right political parties and organizations that make the xenophobia, racism, islamophobia and the criminalization of democracy the “scapegoat” of their aryenized point of view. The murderer achieves satisfaction and prominence watching the fear and horror he has caused in the society he wants to destroy.

There are precedents, it is not the first time we face this kind of killing. The attack committed by the extreme right man Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma, who explode a truck with explosives that killed 168 people, left a horrifying message: We can act as "lone wolves".

Elevated to the shrine of Nazi Jihadism, McVeigh has been emulated by other mass murderers, as show the events carried out in schools in Germany, Finland and United States of America. It exists a virtual crime community of transnational scope, which is fed by Internet and social networks, that seeks its reason of being in the hate speech and finds an easy access to weapons and explosives in multiple settings, also in Internet.

The "lone wolf" is a genocidal candidate that works in this virtual community -visible on the Internet- which is fed by the ultra-Bible: The Turner Diaries, written by William Pierci Nazi, which has sold more than five million copies.

The story of the horror told in this novel can turn into an expanded reality. This people only need to assume with determination the reward they shall achieve: they will be known for terrorizing the world. Inspired by this manual of horror and other neo-Nazi manuals, as Leaderless Resistance, solitary criminals can cause tragedies of thousands of victims and by extension of the whole society. And as they know it, they do it.

However, the nule detection of this problem by security forces is suprising. Anchored in the old cliches of the terrorist organizations and the old fascism, they just do not understand the keys of the new extreme right and its criminal intolerance, which works in a globalized world without limits due to Internet. Widely warned by those who know the effects of this tragedy, there are some clues that can lead them to understand why this people kill in this way. Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy helps us to understand how this kind of saviors can raise in advanced societies.

Meanwhile, at least, Internet shoulb be cleaned up that criminal waste integrated by manuals and websites that appeal to hatred. Those organizations and racist political parties that spread this ahtred should be banned and the easy access to weapons in any country. Shoudn´t be so easy. Europe cannot look the other way while racism and intolerance are rising, in fact, it must stop trivializing this problem. Europe must strengthen criminal codes, should gather better intelligence on these groups and individuals, fight democratically from all fronts against fanatism, whose capacity for terror has been demonstrated in Oslo. In Spain we must reform our Criminal Code, create Prosecutor's Offices against hate crimes and train and specialize the police. We urgently need to aware, prevent and legislate against these crimes, improving their persecution. Tomorrow may be too late.

Esteban Ibarra.

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