The Antinazi Initiative condemns the agreement of the two big parties to offer the fascist LAOS party 4 ministries and sub-ministries of the new government as a fascist deviation. The ANI also condemns the general acceptance LAOS has won so far, being presented as a normal parliamentary party by the other parliamentary parties, including the so called leftish ones, as part of this deviation.
Among the 4 governmental cadres, Adonis Georgiadis stands as the new vice minister of Maritime Affairs. A. Georgiadis has a special preference that, in any democratic country would have closed the way for him to any public office. This is his preference for a book he had been promoting on TV until a few years ago as his “favorite” one. This is the book of nazi K. Plevris, the fanatically pro-Hitler genocidal guide “Jews, the whole truth” *.
As to the new minister of transport, M. Voridis, he is an ex-leader of the pro-junta (1967-1974) EPEN political youth.
In any democratic country, the party that backed a propagandist of nazism and of cannibalistic anti-Semitism, such as K. Plevris, would not climb to power. It was not just A.Georgiadis that promoted a book praising national-socialism and the III Reich. Thanos Plevris, a LAOS MP and the son of K. Plevris, played a leading part as his defence counsel at the trial of K. Plevris for violation of the anti-racist law. Th. Plevris demanded the aquittal of the accused nazi writer by the judges, saying that no Greek citizen should be deprived of the right to call for the extermination of any other people or the right to revive Auschwitz (!) The LAOS youth overtly called for the support of K. Plevris at trial, from its internet forum while, at the last phase of the trial, an article of the official party “A1” newspaper by the head of LAOS, G. Karatzaferis, came to the conclusion that the “Jew smells blood”.
In a democratic country, the party the leader of which had served as the nazis-rise-to-power assistant would never come to power. In 1998, G. Karatzaferis, being at the time MP with the New Democracy party, called upon the nazis of Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) to claim a sub-ministry; in 2002 prefecture elections, he included 4 Ch. Avgi members in the LAOS ballot list, and in 2009 he tried to put down the name of the ex vice-leader of Ch. Avgi, D. Zafiropoulos, for the parliamentary elections ballot in Achaea perfecture. It was only due to the Antinazi Initiative’s protest that some light was shed on the last two attempts, thus leading them to failure.
The LAOS-nazis association is ideologically based on their common racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Just a couple of months ago, Karatzaferis in his speech for the 76thInternational Fair of Salonica explained how all illegal immigrants should be expelled because the country “belongs to pure Greeks, to Greeks that love the motherland, that love the nation, that love orthodoxy, that fight for Greece”. When Karatzaferis talks about “pure Greeks”, everybody understands what he insinuates, that is “pure” in blood, the “national loyalty” following as well, and of course the orthodox Christian religion. Otherwise, to Karatzaferis’ point of view, the “non pure” Greek has no place in the country.
The LAOS party’s climb to power wasn’t the result of political chance or the economic crisis. It was rooted in that the political character of LAOS has never been condemned by the other parliamentary parties. If such a thing had happened, its entrance to the parliament could have been initially averted.
The totality of parliamentary parties have protected LAOS, as they have not only abstained from condemning LAOS for giving support to the nazi K. Plevris, but also didn’t ask for his conviction at all, and muffled this trial in silence. Then, they covered with silence both the prosecutors and judges that defended K. Plevris at the trial, by expressing anti-Semitic and pro-nazi positions, and the final abject not guilty verdict of the Athens Court of Appeals, that has also been approved by the High Court. According to the verdict, K. Plevris is innocent because among other things, he doesn’t call for the extermination of the Jews just because they belong to a particular race or nationality but because they conspire for the global dominance. That is, they consider as non racism the core of modern, hitlerian-type anti-Semitism, which is exactly the theory of the global Jewish conspiracy. This means that the extermination of Jews not only is considered a non-racist crime, but could also be justified so long as one believes that the Jews, men, women and children seek or will seek global domination, virtually motivated by the nature of their religion.
The same stance towards the nazis thugs of Chrysi Avgi has been kept by the parliamentary parties, as they have for years offered them the status of a legal political party and always meet with them for the distribution of free TV time during the electoral periods. Recently, they allowed its leader, N. Michaloliakos, to occupy a seat in theMunicipal Council of Athens. This happened bevause at the last municipal elections, they left the scene for Ch. Avgi so that it presented itself as a “patriotic” party that was thought to protect the citizens of Saint Panteleimonas ward from the illegal migrants. Later, they turned a blind eye to the recorded fact that N. Michaloliakos saluted the nazi way two times inside the Municipal Council hall. Recently, they allowed the members of Ch. Avgi to march as part of a students’ parade inside Attica, in Artemida, “honoring” the anti-fascist anniversary.
In general, we have recently discovered that, as a result of the parliamentary parties’ consent to the propagandists of national-socialism and of cannibalistic anti-Semitism, a series of fascist incidents, such as the anti-semitic statements by the Piraeus bishop and by the DAKE secondary school teachers’ union organization in Messinia, as well as the national-chauvinistic slogans of the special forces’ parade on 3/25/2010, were being “legalized”. At the same time, we have noticed that the political system promotes political bonds with Putin’s Russia, which is today the international center of anti-semitism and neonazism, with LAOS being the warmest supporter. The peak of this approach was the parade of the Russian army in Alexandroupoli on 10/28.
The Antinazi Initiative calls upon every democratic citizen to resist the advancing fascism. It is a pressing need today that we fight for:
- The condemnation of LA.O.S. as a fascist and anti-Semitic party and the expulsion of its appointed through political agreement cadres from the government.
- The condemnation of the rest parliamentary parties for the protection they have given LA.O.S., as they keep its reactionary political character –of a party protecting and cooperating with nazis – hidden from the people.
- Taking action for the annulment of Athens Court’s of Appeal decision, which has legalized nazism and has been upheld by the High Court.
- The removal of the judges having expressed anti-Semitic and pro-nazi positions from the bench.
- Banning the nazi gang of Chrysi Avgi.
*Watch the relative video at or at this link
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